Main benefits

Senior engineers
Power supply optimization
Recoverable energy optimization
Powerful simulation software
High-quality network simulation reports
In-depth knowledge of standards and regulations

Sécheron's engineering services for DC traction networks include advanced design and simulation capabilities to ensure that your system offers adequate protection. Our senior engineers bring years of experience meeting the needs of the railway industry, and understand all of the subsystems of traction networks, from AC networks to DC power supply substations, distribution networks, and vehicles.

We take a system-level approach and leverage powerful DC network simulation software to determine the right number and location of substations, the optimal power rating and overload capacity for the rectifier-inverter set, and coordination of protection. Our goal is to make your system as efficient as possible.

Our network design services include dynamic network simulation, on-site measurement, laboratory testing and calculations.


  • Network expertise

Product description

  • Dynamic network simulation.
  • Harmonics calculation.
  • Leading homologations of equipment in laboratories.
  • Support for in-line (combined) tests.
  • Support for short-circuits on-site.
  • Measurement on-site.
  • Coordination of the protections.
  • Stray current calculation and measurement.
  • Earthing system and bonding analysis.
  • Train start/brake measurements.
  • Post-incident diagnosis.
  • RAMS studies.
Secheron Cta Careers

Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.