Main benefits

Absorbs excess regenerative braking energy
No braking resistors on board
Resistor bank installed outdoors
Protects equipment from overvoltages
Low maintenance and easy access to all parts
Reliable and robust

Sécheron automatic assured receptivity units (AARU) meet all railway industry requirements for absorbing excess regenerative braking energy. AARUs eliminate the need for braking resistors on board and protect against overvoltages. We can engineer a solution with the best technology for your needs.

Product description

  • Rated DC voltage 750 Volts, 1'500 Volts.
  • Rated power of the system calculated according to peak load and load duration.
  • Power balancing in resistors to optimize lifetime.
  • Full parametrization through local display.
Secheron Cta Careers

Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.