Main benefits

Store excess braking energy as electricity
Reduce heat in tunnels and substations
No connection to the AC grid
Fast response time
Improves voltage drops sustaining the voltage along the line
Easy to maintain
Reliable and robust
Maximized efficiency

Sécheron brings years of experience with power converters for traction power substations to develop its EFFICIENT-ESS energy storage systems for excess braking energy. Our EFFICIENT-ESS products were initially based on supercapacitors, but can now also be used with batteries.

Our energy storage systems can help reduce overall energy consumption and are both durable and easy to maintain. Whatever your energy storage system needs are, you can count on us to recommend and deliver the best solution for your unique situation.

Product description

  • Rated DC voltage 750 Volts, 1'500 Volts.
  • Configurations from 1 to 16kWh, 40MJ (supercapacitors).
  • Efficient controlled converter chopper based on IGBT.
  • Fully modular design.
  • Supercaps/Batteries mounted on withdrawable trolleys.
  • Supercapacitors technology available.
  • Batteries technology in study.
  • Delivered with an optional smart human machine interface.
Secheron Cta Careers

Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.