Main benefits

Hassle-free installation of DC equipment
Commissioning experts on-site
Targeted recommendations based on experience
Safety-accredited commissioning engineers
Fine-tuning of line protection settings
Operator training on the equipment

Sécheron provides on-site support for the commissioning of our equipment worldwide. Our commissioning and training experts know our equipment inside and out. All commissioning projects are overseen by our qualified commissioning expert to ensure that your installation aligns with the current state of the art. We can measure insulation, troubleshoot in the event of a problem, and train your operations staff.

Our on-site support services are designed to ensure that your Sécheron equipment gets up and running quickly for maximum value to your business.


  • Short-circuit testing

Product description

  • Presence of our qualified commissioning expert.
  • Validation of the installation according to the state of the art.
  • Measurement of insulation.
  • Quick trouble-shooting in case of problem.
  • Potential rental of our short-circuit contactor.
  • Training of operation team.
  • Delivery of a training certificate.
Secheron Cta Careers

Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.