Sécheron offers measuring complete solutions compliant to EN50463 standard for energy measurement on AC and DC rail vehicles.

Sécheron offers on-board voltage and current sensors for Voltage and Current Measurement Functions (VMF & CMF). With its unique and simple architecture without software, TMS compact and lightweight AC sensor  is a safe, accurate voltage and current sensor that railway car builders and operators can count on for their energy metering and vehicle protection needs.

For DC vehicles, Sécheron delivers voltage and current sensors with its DC circuit breakers enclosed in DC metal enclosures.

HaslerRail, also member of Sécheron Hasler Group, offers an on-board energy meter that performs the Energy Calculation Function (ECF), but also embeds the Data Handling System (DHS) that generates Compiled Energy Billing Data (CEBD) and transfers these data via a mobile communication gateway to the Energy Portal, our web-based platform for the ground-based Data Collection System (DCS).