Main benefits

Expand TPS lifetime by improving system availability with an efficient preventive and predictive maintenance
Provides a clear overview of the line via global dashboard, indicators, detailed information per substations
Help operation and maintenance people for analysis decision taking
Reduce operational costs by optimizing maintenance operations, scheduling & traceability and automatize administration tasks

Sécheron developed its Intelligent Operation and Maintenance System IOMS to collect and analyse a large number of data (alarms, events, analogue values, counters…) produced by traction power substations.

IOMS is composed of two modules: Intelligent Operation and Intelligent Maintenance.

The Intelligent operation module is based on the collected data from the traction power substation. This module analyses, evaluates and provides a clear dashboard for monitoring the status of the complete line. It allows for optimization of the system availability and maintainability.

The Maintenance module is based on recorded data during every event. This module provides a full and comprehensive real time view of the status for all equipment in each traction power substation on the line.

IOMS supports the transfer of compiled data, condition assessments and notification to the CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) implemented on customer infrastructure through standard interface API (Application Programing Interface) or to IOMS integrated automatic scheduling module.

IOMS system allows securing and saving data on cloud server.

Product description

  • Predict maintenance time frame
  • Geo-localize potential faults
  • Produce complete & detailed incident reports
  • Statistical fault analysis
  • Customizable dashboard (alarms, power consumption…)
  • Easy and Automatic scheduling (Calendar, Gantt view)
  • Automatically add periodic maintenance actions, sort action per type (breakdown, routine, planned…)
  • Job card, power block and team assignment
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Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.